Agriculture Based on Biochemistry and Information Systems in Era 5.0 (Cek Similarity)

Suryani, Suryani (2022) Agriculture Based on Biochemistry and Information Systems in Era 5.0 (Cek Similarity). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Yogyakarta.

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Era 5.0 will make things easy by integrating virtual space and physical space. Japan has initiated this by applying digital technology centered on human life.[1]. Society 5.0 is a superintelligent society where big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (A.I.), and robots blend into every industry and social segment. So also with the field of Chemistry collaborated with Agroindustry and I.T. It would be better to produce with collaboration because each will be an expert in his field and will be perfect when collaborating. Chemists will maximize chemistry research, which can also collaborate with pharmacists and will be collected in the form of Big data by alhi I.T., this information is used to make intelligent machines that humans want. It can be controlled from afar by using the internet as per human wishes. All obstacles are used as challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic originating from Wuhan.[2]–[5], Humans need good drugs, chemically synthetic drugs.[6], [7] Or herbal or traditional [4], [8], to fight it. Herbal medicines needed are natural ingredients that have antimicrobial capabilities.[9], [10] both antibacterial and antifungal and especially antiviral. In addition, raw materials with immunomodulator capabilities strengthen our body's endurance. Among the natural ingredients that have antibacterial, natural antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral abilities, and immunomodulators' ability are VCO. The search for a suitable vaccine is also always done, although until now there is no vaccine that matches covid-19.[11], Because it's always mutated. This obstacle will finally be able to be facilitated and in accordance with what humans want, namely by consuming VCO and other herbal remedies. It therefore needs an intelligence to create a VCO, using remotely controlled human-controlled working robots using the help of the internet.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroteknologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 26 May 2022 07:21
Last Modified: 26 May 2022 07:21

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