The Effect of Immersive Learning on Students' Cognitive and Affective Aspects

Djoko, Soelistya and Julhadi, Julhadi and yarifah, Rahm and Nurpeni, Priyatinings and Marlina, Siregar and Ucup, Supriatna and nanda, Saputra (2023) The Effect of Immersive Learning on Students' Cognitive and Affective Aspects. Studies in Media and Communication, 11 (5). pp. 79-84. ISSN 325-8071

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Deep learning or what is known as "Immersive Learning" is becoming an issue that is being studied a lot because of the application of technology in the process. The role of technology in this case is utilized to realize deep learning. Immersive Learning is applied by several methods, including online and blended. However, there are not many research articles that explicitly focus on Immersive Learning. Therefore, for the purpose of this review, several academic articles dealing with the specific topic of immersive learning have been selected and studied. Several topics have been searched using keywords related to immersive learning on academic search engines such as Springer, and Google Scholar, as well as on several other reputable academic journal publishing websites. The articles reviewed were sixteen articles published in the last five years. Based on the results of the article review, it can be concluded that immersive learning not only has a negative impact, but also has a positive impact on students' cognitive and affective aspects. Cognitive aspects include understanding and other academic abilities, while affective aspects include self-efficacy, motivation, and student attitudes towards subjects at school. With this review, it is hoped that teachers and educators will pay more attention to the positive and negative effects of this immersive learning process, so that they can optimize the learning outcomes obtained by students from the learning process, especially Natural Science subjec

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Library of Congress Subject Areas > B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > S2 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Library of Congress Subject Areas > T Technology > Fakultas Pasca Sarjana > S2 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Fakultas Pasca Sarjana > S2 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2023 10:06
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2023 10:06

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