Items where Author is "Mahyudin, Ritonga"

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Number of items: 140.


Mahyudin, Ritonga and Rosniati, Hakim and Talqis, Nurdianto and Apri, Wardana Ritonga (2023) Learning for early childhood using the IcanDO platform: Breakthroughs for golden age education in Arabic learning. Education and Information Technologies.

Julhadi, Julhadi and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2023) Human Resource Management in Islamic Educational Institutions to Improve Competitiveness in Society 5.0 Era. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 18 (2). pp. 611-619.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Rosniati, Hakim and Talqis, Nurdianto and Apri, Wardana Ritonga (2023) Correspondence Education and Techonology. Springer Science+Business Media LLC. pp. 1-21.

Julhadi, Julhadi and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2022) Vision, Mission And Objectives Of Education In Hadith Perspective. AMBARSA : Jurnal Pengembangan Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2 (2). pp. 20-39. ISSN 2797-2399

Meliza, Budiarti and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Rahmawati, Rahmawati and Yasmadi, Yasmadi and Julhadi, Julhadi and Zulmuqim, Zulmuqim (2022) Padlet as a LMS Platform in Arabic Learning in Higher Education. Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, 27 (4). pp. 659-664.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Riki, Saputra and Mursal, Mursal and Nofrizaldi, Nofrizaldi (2022) Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: Studies on the Social Presence and Affective and Cognitive Engagement of Students. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 12 (1). pp. 207-212.

Rosniati, Hakim and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Khodijah, Khodijah and Zulmuqim, Zulmuqim and Remiswa, Remiswa and Ahmad, Reshad Jamalyar (2022) Learning Strategies for Reading and Writing the Quran: Improving Student Competence as Preservice Teachers at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. Hindawi Education Research International. pp. 1-7.

Riki, Saputra and Arrasyid, Arrasyid and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Shofwan, Karim Elhusen and Rido, Putra (2022) Moderasi beragama dari sudut pandang A.D. Aye. kandidat ilmu sejarah, peneliti senior di Institut Sejarah dan Arkeologi dari Cabang Ural dari Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Rusia. pp. 280-288.

Riki, Saputra and Arrasyid, Arrasyid and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Shofwan, Karim Elhusen and Rido, Putra (2022) Moderasi beragama dari sudut pandang A.D. Ayer. kandidat ilmu sejarah, peneliti senior di Institut Sejarah dan Arkeologi dari Cabang Ural dari Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Rusia. pp. 280-288.

Yulisna, Yulisna and Ahmad, Lahmi and Syaflin, Halim and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Riki, Saputra and Aguswan, Rasyid and Mursal, Mursal (2021) Strategies to Increase Student Interest in Studying Islamic Religious Education during the Covid-19 Period. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14 (1). pp. 479-486. ISSN 1308-5581

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Martin, Kustati and Meliza, Budiarti and Ahmad, Lahmi and Musda, Asmara and Rahadian, Kurniawan and Neli, Putri and Endri, Yenti (2021) Arabic as Foreign Language Learning in Pandemic COVID-19 as Perceived by Students and Teachers. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5 (1). pp. 75-92. ISSN 2690-103X

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fitria, Sartika and Ahmad, Lahmi and Bambang, Bambang and Sri, Wahyuni and Armalena, Armalena and Endri, Yenti (2021) Gender equality in the quran: Study of the Impact of Career Women on Children's Education. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 13 (1). pp. 3061-3068. ISSN 0975-2366

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Hendro, Widodo and Munirah, Munirah and Talqis, Nurdianto (2021) Arabic language learning reconstruction as a response to strengthen Al-Islam studies at higher education. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 10 (1). pp. 355-363. ISSN 2252-8822


Mahyudin, Ritonga and S, Purnamasari and Meliza, Budiarti and Ahmad, Lahmi and Talqis, Nurdianto and Sri, Zulfida (2021) THE MANAGEMENT OF ARABIC LANGUAGE AND THE YELLOW BOOK CURRICULUM PLANNING AT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS IN RESPOND TO THE FREEDOM TO LEARN EDUCATION SYSTEM. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 24.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and S, Purnamasari and Meliza, Budiarti and Ahmad, Lahmi and Talqis, Nurdianto and Sri, Zulfida (2021) THE MANAGEMENT OF ARABIC LANGUAGE AND THE YELLOW BOOK CURRICULUM PLANNING AT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS IN RESPOND TO THE FREEDOM TO LEARN EDUCATION SYSTEM. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 24 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1532-5806-24-S1-73

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Bambang, Bambang and Sandra, Ayu and FIRDAUS, FIRDAUS and Desi, Asmaret and Surya, Afdal (2020) Curriculum Development Strategy Management for Student Mental Health in Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (2). pp. 4489-4494. ISSN 0975-2366

Harianto, Harianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Riki, Saputra (2020) How is the Ability of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Designing and Using ICT Media? Intiqad: Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam, 12 (2). ISSN 2598-0033

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Sri, Wahyuni and Armalena, Armalena and Yufi, Latmini Lasari (2020) Mental Health And Adolescents Character Development Islamic Perspective. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7 (11). pp. 235-240. ISSN 2515-8260

Syaflin, Halin and Endri, Yenti and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Desi, Asmaret and Raja, Ritonga and Mursal, Mursal and Aguswan, Rasyid (2020) The Drug Addicts Rehabilitation: On Perspective of the Maqashid Shari’ah and Law Basic Principle. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (4). pp. 2837-2845. ISSN 2005-4238

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Rosniati, Hakim (2020) The Existence of Yellow Books (Kitab Kuning) as the Sources of Islamic Studies at Islamic Boarding Schools Within the Industrial Revolution Dialectics. Internasional Juornal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. pp. 3516-3523. ISSN 1475-7192

Mutia, Khaira and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Syaflin, Halim (2020) The Effectiveness of Scrabble Game Media in Improving Learning Outcomes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-5.

Mutia, Khaira and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Syaflin, Halim (2020) The Effectiveness of Scrabble Game Media in Improving Learning Outcomes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6596

Rosniati, Hakim and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Khadijah, Khadijah and Wetti, Susanti (2020) Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Islamic Education at Madrasah Diniyah. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 12 (2). pp. 3326-3332.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Hafni, Bustami and Riki, Saputra and Rosniati, Hakim and Mursal, Mursal and Shofwan, Karim Elhusen and Yoni, Marlius (2020) Reformulating the Arabic Language Teaching Materials Within the Framework of Generating New Cadres of Tarjih and Tajdid Ulama. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (7). pp. 185-190. ISSN 2005-4238

Rosniati, Hakim and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2018) A STUDY OF RELIGION EDUCATION METHOD WITH MULTICULTURAL INSIGHT. International Seminar on Islamic Education (ISIE 2018). pp. 81-97.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Alwis, Nazir and Sri, Wahyuni (2016) PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI DI KOTA PADANG. Arabiyât : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 3 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2442-9473

Rosniati, Hakim and Khadijah, Khadijah and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Weti, Susanti and Rahmi, Rahmi Institute Quality Improvement Through Management Training of Accreditation Preparation in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Padang. Proceedings of the International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2019), 449.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Alwis, Nazir and Sri, Wahyuni PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI DI KOTA PADANG. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 3 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2442-9473


Mahyudin, Ritonga and Sri, Wahyuni and Hendri, Navigator (2022) BAHASA ARAB MULTIDIMENSI. Other. UMSB PRESS, Padang.

Conference or Workshop Item

Harianto, Harianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Riki, Saputra (2021) How is the Ability of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Designing and Using ICT Media? In: ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 Juni 2021, Flores.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Zulfardi, Darussalam (2019) Analisis Kritis Penggunaan Sumber Belajar Bahasa Arab dalam Wacana Perkaderan Ulama Tarjih dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah. In: PROSIDING SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL KEBAHASAAN, 9-12 Juli 2019, Jakarta.


Mahyudin, Ritonga and Alwis, Nazir (2019) Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Dalam Dialektika Refolusi Industri 4.0. Deepublish.


Hasan, Basri and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Mursal, Mursal (2023) The Role of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan in Educating Adolescent Morality through the Indigenous Values of Sumbang Duo Baleh (Cek Similarity). Al-Ishlah, Indonesia.

Julhadi, Julhadi and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2023) Human resource management in islamic education institutions to improve competitiveness in society 5.0 era (Cek Similarity). International journal of sustainable development and planning.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Talqis, Nurdianto and Rahmawati, Rahmawati (2023) Strategies for improving Arabic language ability through language Environment: Phenomenology studies in Islamic boarding schools (Cek Similarity). Journal of language and linguistic studies, Indonesia.

Rahmad, Linur and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Julhadi, Julhadi (2023) ANALISIS MAKNA LAFADZ SULTHAN DALAM AL-QUR'AN: STUDI PERSPEKTIF SEMANTIK (Cek Similarity). Diwan : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, Sulawesi Selatan.

Muhammad, Kosim and Ilman, Nasution and Jum, Anidar and Martin, Kustati and Mahyudin, Ritonga and David D., Perrodin (2023) Advancing Learners’ Islamic Knowledge through a Parenting Education Module (Cek Similarity). pegem journal of education and instruction, Indonesia.

Samsu, Samsu and Martin, Kustati and David D., Perrodin and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Muhammad, Kosim and Rusmini, Rusmini and Suwendi, Suwendi (2023) Community empowerment in leading pesantren: A research of Nyai’s leadership (Cek Similarity). International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), Indonesia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Suci, Rahmadhanti Febriani and Martin, Kustati and Ehsan, Khaef and Apri, Wardana Ritonga and Renti, Yasmar (2023) Duolingo: An Arabic Speaking Skills’ Learning Platform for Andragogy Education (Cek Similarity). Hidawi : Education Research International, Amerika Serikat.

Ristapawa, Indra and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Martin, Kustati (2023) E-leadership of the school principals in implementing online learning during COVID19 pandemic at public senior high schools (Cek Similarity). Frontiers Media, Indonesia.

Hasrian, Rudi Setiawan and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2023) The Effectiveness of Online Learning System in the Arabic Subject at Al-Ulum Islamic Junior High School Integrated of Medan (Cek Similarity). Arabiyatuna jurnal bahasa arab, Bengkulu.

Isral, Amin and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Sobhan, Sobhan and Tribhuwan, Kumar (2023) Implementation of ActivityBased Language Week Program in Improving Arabic Communication Skills at Ma’had al-Jami’ah (Cek Similarity). Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, Literature, Malang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fariba, Farhangi and Bemnet, Ajanil and Ayman, Farid Khafaga (2023) Interventionist vs. interactionist models of dynamic assessment (DA) in the EFL classroom: impacts on speaking accuracy and fluency (SAF), foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA), and foreign language learning motivation (FLLM) (Cek Similarity). language testing in asia, Switzerland.

Elvina, Elvina and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi (2023) Islamic Parenting and Motivation from Parents and Its Influence on Children's Ability to Read the Quran (Cek Similarity). Jurnal Tabiyatuna, Lumajang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Apri, Wardana Ritonga and Sri, Wahyuni and Julhadi, Julhadi (2023) Language Game As An Alternative Model To Improve Arabic Vocabulary Ability (Cek Similarity). ijaz arabi : journal of arabic learning, Malang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Rosniati, Hakim and Talqis, Nurdianto and Apri, Wardana Ritonga (2023) Learning for early childhood using the IcanDO platform: Breakthroughs for golden age education in Arabic learning (Cek Similarity). Education and information technologies, Switzerland.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Riki, Saputra and Mursal, Mursal and Nofrizaldi, Nofrizaldi (2023) Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: Studies on the Social Presence and Affective and Cognitive Engagement of Students (Cek Similarity). pegem journal of education and instruction, Indonesia.

Meliza, Budiarti and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Rahmawati, Rahmawati and Yasmadi, Yasmadi and Julhadi, Julhadi and Zulmuqim, Zulmuqim (2023) Padlet as a LMS Platform in Arabic Learning in Higher Education (Cek Similarity). international information and engineering technology association, Indonesia.

Meliza, Budiarti and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Rahmawati, Rahmawati and Yasmadi, Yasmadi and Julhadi, Julhadi and Zulmuqim, Zulmuqim (2023) Padlet as a LMS Platform in Arabic Learning in Higher Education (Cek Similarity). International information and engineering technology association, Indonesia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Sandra, Ayu and Yufi, Latmini Lasari and Sri, Wahyuni and Desminar, Desminar and Armalena, Armalena and Fitria, Sartika (2023) Participation and Active Contribution of Private Universitas in the Prevention of the Covid-19 Pandemic Transmission (Cek Similarity). International series in operations research & management science, Switzerland.

Talqis, Nurdianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2023) Renewal Of Arabic Grammar (Nahw) By Al-Shatibi In Al Maqashid Al Syafiyah (Cek Similarity). Journal of arabic learning, Malang.

Ristapawa, Indra and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Martin, Kustati and Rini, Rini and Zulmuqim, Zulmuqim and Rahmat, Iswanto and Asma, Gheisari (2023) Research Article High School Education in a Variety of Regional Autonomy: Paradigm and Challenges (Cek Similarity). Hindawi education research international, Indonesia.

Martin, Kustati and Ristapawa, Indra and Efendi, Efendi and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Nelmawarni, Nelmawarni and Yulia, Yulia and Awis, Karni (2023) Research Article The Effect of National Insight and Religious Moderation on Radical Behavior of Secondary School Students (Cek Similarity). hindawi education research international, Indonesia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Zulmuqim, Zulmuqim and Bambang, Bambang and Rahadian, Kurniawan and Pahri, Pahri (2023) SIAKAD machine learning for correcting errors in speaking Arabic (Cek Similarity). world journal on educational technology: current issues, Indonesia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Apri, Wardana Ritonga and Ayu, Desrani (2023) Social Media: Millennial Generation Alternative Solutions in Learning Religion During Covid-19 Pandemic (Cek Similarity). al ta'lim journal, Indonesia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Talqis, Nurdianto and Rahmawati, Rahmawati (2023) Strategies for improving Arabic language ability through language Environment: Phenomenology studies in Islamic boarding schools (Cek Similarity). journal of language and linguistic studies, Indonesia.

Fitria, Sartika and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Desyanti, Desyanti (2023) The Tajweed Competencies of TPQ Teachers and Their Influence on BTQ Learning Outcomes (Cek Similarity). al ta'lim journal, Padang.

Apri, Wardana Ritonga and Wildana, Wargadinata and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Suci, Rahmadhanti Febriani (2023) Teaching Maharah Kalam on the Basis of Culture Using the Textbook “al-„Arabiyyah Baina Yadaik ” at the Middle School (Cek Similarity). Arabiyatuna jurnal bahasa arab, Bengkulu.

Samsu, Samsu and Rusmini, Rusmini and Martin, Kustati and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ade, Novia Maulana and Zulmuqim, Zulmuqim (2023) Tumenggung leadership and educational model in leading indigenous people: Suku Anak Dalam portrait (Cek Similarity). Cogent Social Sciences, Indonesia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Sobhan, Sobhan and Bambang, Bambang (2023) Utilizing Technology to Improve the Quality of Learning in Indonesia: Challenges and Consequences for Arabic Teachers (Cek Similarity). Arabiyat jurnal pendidikan bahasa arab dan kebahasaaraban, Indonesia.

Mursal, Mursal and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fitria, Sartika and Ahmad, Lahmi and Talqis, Nurdianto and Lukis, Alam (2023) The contribution of Amil Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah Muhammadiyah (LAZISMU) institutions in handling the impact of Covid-19 (Cek Similarity). Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, England & Wales.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Sri, Wahyuni and Hendri, Novigator (2023) The future of Arabic language learning for non-Muslims as an actualization of Wasathiyah Islam in Indonesia [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] (Cek Similarity). F1000 Research, Indonesia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2023) Bukti Reviewer. Taylor & Francis, Indonesia.

Riki, Saputra and Arrasyid, Arrasyid and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Shofwan, Karim Elhusen and Rido, Putra (2022) Moderation of religion in A.J. Ayer’s perspective. ВОПРОСЫ ИСТОРИИ, ВОПРОСЫ ИСТОРИИ.

Yulisman, Yulisman and Ahmad, Lahmi and Syaflin, Halim and Riki, Saputra and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Mursal, Mursal and Aguswan, Rasyid (2022) Strategies to Increase Student Interest in Studying Islamic Religious Education during the Covid-19 Period (Cek Similarity). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2022) Penerima Pendanaan Penelitian Program Kompetitif Nasionaldan Penugasan di Perguruan Tinggi Tahun Anggaran 2022 TahapPertama. KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI, Jakarta.

Harianto, Harianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Riki, Saputra (2022) How is the Ability of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Designing and Using ICT Media? (Peer Review). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Riki, Saputra and Mursal, Mursal and Nofrizaldi, Nofrizaldi (2022) Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: Studies on the Social Presence and Affective and Cognitive Engagement of Students (Peer Review). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Yulisna, Yulisna and Ahmad, Lahmi and Syaflin, Halim and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Riki, Saputra and Aguswan, Rasyid and Mursal, Mursal (2022) Strategies to Increase Student Interest in Studying Islamic Religious Education during the Covid-19 Period (Peer Review). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Dr. Dra. Novelti, M.Hum. amca journal of education and behavioral change, Indonesia.

Riki, Saputra and Arrasyid, Arrasyid and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Shofwan, Karim Elhusen and Rido, Putra (2022) Moderation of religion in A.J. Ayer’s perspective.,

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Riki, Saputra and Mursal, Mursal and Nofrizaldi, Nofrizaldi (2022) Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: Studies on the Social Presence and Affective and Cognitive Engagement of Students. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, Pegegog.


Ahmad, Lahmi and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ravi, Usman and Yusida, Imran (2022) Self Control Counseling for Students during Covid-19 through Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan Curriculum. Sciedupress, Journal of Curriculum and Teaching.

Asmawati, Asmawati and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi (2021) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MADRASAH AND TEACHER LEARNING STYLE WITH ARABIC LEARNING OUTCOMES. UM Tapanuli Selatan, LINGUISTIK : Jurnal Bahasa & Sastra.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Martin, Kustati and Meliza, Budiarti and Ahmad, Lahmi and Musda, Asmara and Rahadian, Kurniawan and Neli, Putri and Endri, Yenti (2021) Arabic as Foreign Language Learning in Pandemic COVID-19 as Perceived by Students and Teachers (Peer Review). Linguistics and Culture Review.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Hendro, Widodo and Munirah, Munirah and Talqis, Nurdianto (2021) Arabic language learning reconstruction as a response to strengthen Al-Islam studies at higher education (Peer Review). International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE).

Mutia, Khaira and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Syaflin, Halim (2021) The Effectiveness of Scrabble Game Media in Improving Learning Outcomes (Peer Review). Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Riki, Saputra and Mursal, Mursal and Nofrizaldi, Nofrizaldi (2021) Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: Studies on the Social Presence and Affective and Cognitive Engagement of Students (Cek Similarity). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2021) Certificate of Attendance. Marlene Silva Publisher.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Hendro, Widodo and Ahmad, Lahmi and Meliza, Budiarti and Fauzana, Annova and Zubaidah, Zubaidah (2021) Arabic Learning Orientation in Ma'had and Islamic Boarding Schools, and its Relevance to the Need for Human Resources with Language Skills in the Globalization Era. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), Arabic Learning Orientation in Ma'had and Islamic Boarding Schools.

Harianto, Harianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Riki, Saputra (2021) Proceedings of the 1 st InternasionalConference on education, humanities, health andagriculture. Pendidikan agama islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Ismaiza, Busti and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi (2021) Kepala Madrasah dan Perannya dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru: Studi Eksplorative di MTs Istiqamah Talu. UMSU, Intiqad : Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam.

Harianto, Harianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Riki, Saputra (2021) How is the Ability of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Designing and Using ICT Media? (Cek Similarity). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Hendro, Widodo and Munirah, Munirah and Talqis, Nurdianto (2021) Arabic language learning reconstruction as a response to strengthen Al-Islam studies at higher education (Cek Similarity). International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE).

Mursal, Mursal and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fitria, Sartika and Ahmad, Lahmi and Taqlis, Nurdianto and Lukis, Alam (2021) The contribution of Amil Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah Muhammadiyah (LAZISMU) institutions in handling the impact of Covid-19. Finance & Investment (Taylor&Francis), Journal of Sustainable.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Mursal, Mursal and Fitria, Sartika and Lukis, Alam and Sri, Wahyuni and Armalena, Armalena and Jufri, Naldo (2021) Participation and Active Contribution of Private Universities in the Prevention of the Covid-19 Pandemic Transmissi. Springer, Systematic Reviews.

Fitria, Sartika and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Aguswan, Rasyid and Suci, Rahmadhanti Febriani (2021) Artificial Intelligence for COVID- 19. Studies an System,Decision dan Control 358, Springer.

Mutia, Khaira and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Syaflin, Halim (2021) The Effectiveness of Scrabble Game Media in Improving Learning Outcomes (Cek Similarity). Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Elvina, Elvina and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi (2021) Islamic Parenting and Motivation from Parents and Its Influence on Children's Ability to Read the Quran. Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Jurnal Tarbiyatuna.

Riki, Saputra and Arrasyid, Arrasyid and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Shofwan, Karim and Rido, Putra (2021) Korespondensi Jurnal Moderasi beragama dari sudut pandang A.D. Ayer. PERTANYAAN SEJARAH, Rusia.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2021) Korespondensi ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning. Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Malang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and S, Purnamasari and Meliza, Budiarti and Ahmad, Lahmi and Talqis, Nurdianto and Sri, Zulfida (2021) THE MANAGEMENT OF ARABIC LANGUAGE AND THE YELLOW BOOK CURRICULUM PLANNING AT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS IN RESPOND TO THE FREEDOM TO LEARN EDUCATION SYSTEM. Allied Business Academies, Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and S, Purnamasari and Meliza, Budiarti and Ahmad, Lahmi and Talqis, Nurdianto and Sri, Zulfida (2021) THE MANAGEMENT OF ARABIC LANGUAGE AND THE YELLOW BOOK CURRICULUM PLANNING AT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS IN RESPOND TO THE FREEDOM TO LEARN EDUCATION SYSTEM (Cek Similarity). Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2021) Melakukan Tugas sebagai Reviewer Journal Internasional Terindek Scopus Q1, Q3 dan Q4. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Muhammad, Yasin and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi (2021) PENERAPAN METODE TABARAK DALAM MENINGKATKAN HAFALAN REMAJA DI RUMAH TAHFIDZ DAARUL HUFFADZ MANINJAU KABUPATEN AGAM. FAI Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan, Muaddib: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Ishaq, Ishaq and Vini Wela, Septiana (2021) Religious Extracurricular as a Capital for Character Development of Students in Junior High School. Psychology and Education Journal, Psychology and Education Journal.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Pahri, Pahri and Rahmawati, Rahmawati and Syahraini, Tambak and Ahmad, Lahmi (2021) STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING TARKIB ARABIC EXERCISES INSTRUMENTS FOR STRENGTHENING THE UNDERSTANDING OF YELLOW BOOK. Allied Business Academies, Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2021) Surat Keputusan Penetapan Tim Penilai Pada Kegiatan Penilaian Buku Pendidikan Agama Tahun 2021. Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan dan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Zulfardi, Darussalam (2020) Analisis Kritis Penggunaan Sumber Belajar Bahasa Arab dalam Wacana Perkaderan Ulama Tarjih dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah (Cek Similarity). Proceeding International Kemendikbud.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) The Influence of Greek Philosophy on The Development of Arabic Grammar (Cek Similarity). LANGKAWI Journal.

Elvia, Susanti and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Bambang, Bambang (2020) Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Powerpoint Terhadap Minat Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa (Cek Similarity). Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) Sertifikat Sebagai Reviewer. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Rosniati, Hakim and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) A STUDY OF RELIGION EDUCATION METHOD WITH MULTICULTURAL INSIGHT (Cek Similarity). International Seminar on Islamic Education.

Apri, Wardana Ritonga and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Talqis, Nurdianto and Martin, Kustati and Rehani, Rehani and Ahmad, Lahmi and Yasmadi, Yasmadi (2020) E-Learning Process of Maharah Qira'ah in Higher Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Peeriview). International Journal of Higher Education.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Asrina, Asrina and Rizka, Widayanti and Fitri, Alrasi and Julhadi, Julhadi and Syaflin, Halim (2020) Analysis of Arabic Language Learning at Higher Education Institutions with Multi-Religion Students (Peeriview). Universal Journal of Educational Research.

Aprianto, Aprianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Yoni, Marlius and Raihan, Nasyur (2020) The Influence of Using Audio-lingual Method on Students’ Speaking Skill in Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awwaliyyah (Peeriview). Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, Malang.

Apri, Wardana Ritonga and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Talqis, Nurdianto and Rehani, Rehani and Ahmad, Lahmi (2020) E-Learning Process of Maharah Qira'ah in Higher Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Cek Similarity). International Journal of Higher Education.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Asrina, Asrina and Rizka, Widayanti and Fitri, Alrasi and Julhadi, Julhadi and Syaflin, Halim (2020) Analysis of Arabic Language Learning at Higher Education Institutions with Multi-Religion Students (Cek Similarity). Universal Journal of Educational Research.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Martin, Kustati and Bambang, Bambang (2020) Students' and Lecturers Perceptions of the Quality of AFL Processes and Online Learning Outcomes in the Pandemic Covid-19 Period (Cek Similarity). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Reni, Fauziah and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fitri, Alrasi (2020) KORELASI TSIQAH TAHFIDZ AL-QUR’AN DENGAN MAHARAH AL-LUGHAH AL-‘ARABIYYAH MUSTAWA TSALITS MA’HAD AZ-ZUBAIR BIN AL-AWWAM (Cek Similarity). El-Tsaqafah: Jurnal Jurusan PBA.

Fitria, Sartika and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) تأثري استعنال الوسائل السنعيّة البصريّة على نتائج تعليه مفردات اللغة العربية للفصل الرابع فى املدرسة اإلبتدائية اإلسالمية احلكومية بارمبهان ملباسي بياكنبوه (Cek Similarity). Jurnal alfazuna.

Rosniati, Hakim and Khadijah, Khadijah and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Weti, Susanti and Rahmi, Rahmi (2020) Institute Quality Improvement Through Management Training of Accreditation Preparation in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Padang (Peeriview). Atlantis Press.

Rosniati, Hakim and Khadijah, Khadijah and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) Institute Quality Improvement Through Management Training of Accreditation Preparation in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Padang (Cek Similarity). Atlantis Press.

Aprianto, Aprianto and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Yoni, Marlius and Raihan, Nasyur (2020) The Influence of Using Audio-lingual Method on Students’ Speaking Skill in Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awwaliyyah (Cek Similarity). Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) Strategies For Developing Tarkib Arabic Exercises Instruments For Strengthening the Understanding of Yellow Book (Cek Similarity). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Fitria, Sartika and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) تأثري استعنال الوسائل السنعيّة البصريّة على نتائج تعليه مفردات اللغة العربية للفصل الرابع فى املدرسة اإلبتدائية اإلسالمية احلكومية بارمبهان ملباسي بياكنبوه (Peeriview). Jurnal alfazuna.

Reni, Fauziah and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fitri, Alrasi (2020) KORELASI TSIQAH TAHFIDZ AL-QUR’AN DENGAN MAHARAH AL-LUGHAH AL-‘ARABIYYAH MUSTAWA TSALITS MA’HAD AZ-ZUBAIR BIN AL-AWWAM (Peeriview). El-Tsaqafah: Jurnal Jurusan PBA.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Zulfardi, Darussalam (2020) Analisis Kritis Penggunaan Sumber Belajar Bahasa Arab dalam Wacana Perkaderan Ulama Tarjih dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah (Peeriview). Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Hariyadi, Hariyadi and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Mimi, Sri Irfadila (2020) PEMANFAATAN MEDIA TI PADA SDN 26 PULAKEK KAB. SOLOK SELATAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MUTU DAN INOVASI PEMBELAJARAN (Peeriview). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Hariyadi, Hariyadi and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Mimi, Sri Irfadila (2020) PEMANFAATAN MEDIA TIPADA SDN 26 PULAKEK KAB. SOLOK SELATAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MUTU DAN INOVASI PEMBELAJARAN (Cek Similarity). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Rosniati, Hakim (2020) The Existence of Yellow Books (Kitab Kuning) as the Sources of Islamic Studies at Islamic Boarding Schools Within the Industrial Revolution Dialectics (Peeriview). Psicosocial.

Elvia, Susanti and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Bambang, Bambang (2020) Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Powerpoint Terhadap Minat Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa (Peeriview). Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Ahmad, Lahmi and Rosniati, Hakim (2020) The existence of yellow books (kitab kuning) as the sources of Islamic Studies at Islamic Boarding Schools within the Industrial Revolution Dialectics (Cek Similarity). Pshicosocial.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Alwis, Nazir and Sri, Wahyuni (2020) Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Dalam Dialektika Revolusi Industri 4.0 (Peeriview). Deepublish.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) Membimbing Tesis Mahasiswa PPs Berdasarkan SK Direktur dan Menerbitkan Artikel TA Mahasiswa. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2020) SK Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan Kuliah Kerja Nyata. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Hariyadi, Hariyadi and Mahyudin, Ritonga and Mimi, Sri Irfadila (2019) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2019) The Influence of Greek Philosophy on The Development of Arabic Grammar (Peeriview). LANGKAWI Journal.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2019) Design and Development of Android Science Application Apps STD 5 An Alternative ForMastering the Energy Concept of Science Year Five In National Schoolsof Malaysia (Peer Review). Journal Of Science and Technology.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2019) SK Penetapan Pania dan Dosen Pembimbing Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2018) Kontribusi Pemikiran Linguistik al-Anbari Terhadap Penafsiran Kosa Kata Kontranimi (at-Tadhad) (Cek Similarity). Jurnal AFKARUNA.

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2018) Kontribusi Pemikiran Linguistik al-Anbari Terhadap Penafsiran Kosa Kata Kontranimi (at-Tadhad) (Peeriview). Jurnal AFKARUNA.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fitri, Alrasi and Bambang, Bambang (2018) Dirasah Tahliliyah ‘an Ahammiyah Ma’rifah al-Tashrif Fi Fahmi al-Lughah al-’Arabiyah (Peeriview). Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab.

Mahyudin, Ritonga and Fitri, Alrasi and Bambang, Bambang (2018) Dirasah Tahliliyah ‘an Ahammiyah Ma’rifah al-Tashrif Fi Fahmi al-Lughah al-’Arabiyah (Cek Similarity). Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab.

Rosniati, Hakim and Mahyudin, Ritonga (2018) A STUDY OF RELIGION EDUCATION METHOD WITH MULTICULTURAL INSIGHT (Peeriview). International Seminar on Islamic Education (ISIE 2018).

Mahyudin, Ritonga (2017) Piagam Penghargaan Dalam Orasi Ilmiah. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Mahyudin, Ritonga Correspondence Author F1000Research. F1000Research, Indonesia.

Julhadi, Julhadi and Mahyudin, Ritonga Human Resource Management in Islamic Educational Institutions To Improve Competitiveness in Society 5.0 Era. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

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